Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Big News!

We're excited to announce you can now order gluten free cupcakes any day of the week!

We're still going to have our delicious gluten free cupcakes every Tuesday in the shop but now you can place an order for your favourites Monday through Saturday. The minimum order is 6 and you can mix and match from our seven regular gluten free flavours.

Gluten Free Flavours:

The American Cousin
vanilla on chocolate
The Confession
cherry on chocolate
The Truth
chocolate on chocolate
The Moon Landing
white chocolate on vanilla
The Area 51
vanilla on vanilla
The Secret Service
chocolate on vanilla
The Red Velvet
cream cheese on red velvet
Happy cupcakes!

Friday, January 28, 2011

February Flavours of the Week

Here is the flavour list for February! We've brought back a few of your favourites and have a few tasty new ones to try. Hope to see you soon!

January 30 - February 5 Honey Cakes
February 6 - 12 Chocolate Dipped Strawberry
February 10 - 14 Raspberry Heart Cakes for your Valentine!
February 13 - 19 Hearts & Roses
February 20 - 26 White Velvet & Golden Buttercream
February 27 - March 5 Chocolate Butter

New Years Resolutions!

Wow! Looks like it's been a whole year since we've last posted! This year, we promise to be much better with regular blog posts, newsletters and info about the shop.

We'll be posting an updated flavour of the week list for the next few months later today and we've got some exciting things planned for Valentine's Day so you can spoil your sweetheart.

Lots of cupcake love,
